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[其它资源] Google App Engine支持Java

发表于 2009-4-9 01:32:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://googleappengine.blogspot. ... anguage-on-app.html

星期二, 2009年4月7日
Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: Java™

认真对待这个时候,新的语言的应用程序引擎:的Java ™

Today, we're very excited to announce the availability of a new programming language for Google App Engine.今天,我们非常高兴地宣布推出一个新的编程语言的谷歌应用程序引擎。 Please welcome the Java runtime!请欢迎Java运行!

When the two of us first heard the promise of Google App Engine, we realized that the chance to bring this kind of simplicity to Java developers was too good of an opportunity to pass up.当我们两个人第一次听到的承诺,谷歌应用程序引擎,我们认识到,有机会,使这种简化Java开发是太好的机会错过。 When App Engine launched publicly, we were excited to see that Java language support was both the first and the most popular request filed in the Issue Tracker.当应用程序引擎的问世公开,我们高兴地看到, Java语言的支持这两个第一和最流行的请求提出的问题跟踪。 We were also thrilled to see that this enthusiasm extended beyond the Java language to all of the various programming languages that have been implemented on top of the Java virtual machine -- not to mention all of the popular web frameworks and libraries .我们还高兴地看到,这一热情延长到Java语言的所有各种编程语言已落实顶部的Java虚拟机-更不用说所有流行的Web框架和图书馆 。

But we also knew that Java developers are choosy:但是,我们也知道, Java开发者的挑剔:

They live by their powerful tools (Eclipse, Intellij, NetBeans, Ant, etc.).他们住其功能强大的工具( Eclipse的, Intellij , NetBeans的,蚂蚁等) 。
They try to avoid lock-in and strive for re-use.他们尽量避免锁定在争取重新使用。 Standards-based development (defacto or otherwise) is key.标准为基础的发展(事实或以其他方式)是关键。
They harness sophisticated libraries to perform language feats which are nearly magical ( GWT , Guice , CGLIB, AspectJ, etc...).他们利用先进的图书馆以执行语言功勋这几乎是不可思议的( 天翼 , Guice , CGLIB , AspectJ ,等等.. ) 。
They even use alternate languages on the JVM, like Groovy , Scala, and JRuby.他们甚至使用候补语文的JVM ,如Groovy ,斯卡拉和JRuby 。
We wanted to give developers something that they could be ecstatic about, but we knew we would have to marry the simplicity of Google App Engine with the power and flexibility of the Java platform.我们希望让开发的东西,他们可能是欣喜若狂,但我们知道我们将要结婚的简单谷歌应用程序引擎的强大功能和灵活性的Java平台。 We also wanted to leverage the App Engine infrastructure -- and by extension Google's infrastructure -- as much as possible, without giving up compatibility with existing Java standards and tools.我们也希望利用应用程序引擎的基础设施-和推广谷歌的基础设施-尽可能不放弃兼容现有的Java标准和工具。

And so that's what we did.所以这就是我们做了。 App Engine now supports the standards that make Java tooling great.应用程序引擎现在支持Java的标准,使加工伟大。 (We're working on the tooling too, with Google Plugin for Eclipse ). (我们正在努力的工具也与谷歌插件的Eclipse ) 。 It provides the current App Engine API's and wraps them with standards where relevant, like the Java Servlet API, JDO and JPA, javax.cache, and javax.mail.它提供了当前应用程序引擎的API和包装他们的相关标准,如Java的Servlet的空气污染指数, JDO的和JPA的, javax.cache ,并javax.mail 。 It also provides a secure sandbox that's powerful enough to run your code safely on Google's servers, while being flexible enough for you to break abstractions at will.它还提供了一个安全的客栈是足够强大的运行您的代码安全上谷歌的服务器,同时足够的灵活性,让您在将打破抽象。

There is a vast amount of Java code out there, much of it written without consideration of sandboxing, and we can't test it all.有大量的Java代码在那里,其中大部分书面而不考虑沙盒,而且我们也无法对其进行测试所有。 We know that there will be some rough edges when it comes to compatibility, but we're looking forward to working with you to smooth those out.我们知道,将会有一定程度的粗糙边缘说到兼容性,但我们期待着与您的顺利进行。 To that end, we're giving the first 10,000 interested developers an early look at Java language support, so please sign up , give it a whirl, and give us lots of feedback .为此,我们给予第一10000感兴趣的开发者们能够提前看到Java语言的支持,所以请注册 ,给它一个旋转,并给予我们很多反馈 。

The team has also been working on many other improvements to App Engine, which we're really excited to launch to you as well:该小组的工作也已在许多其他的改进应用程序引擎,我们非常高兴为您推出,以及:

Access to firewalled data : grant policy-controlled access to your data behind the firewall. 进入安装防火墙的数据 :给予政策控制访问您的数据背后的防火墙。
Cron support : schedule tasks like report generation or DB clean-up at an interval of your choosing. 玉米支持 :时间表等任务报告生成或DB清理间隔您选择。
Database import : move GBs of data easily into your App Engine app. 数据库导入 :将GB的数据很容易地应用到您的引擎吧。 Matching export capabilities are coming soon, hopefully within a month.匹配的出口能力是即将推出,希望在一个月之内。
Last but not least, the App Engine team will be at the upcoming Google I/O developer event on May 27-28 in San Francisco, so please come meet us in person.最后但并非最不重要的应用程序引擎团队将在即将举行的谷歌的I / O 开发活动于本月二十七及二十八日在旧金山,所以请来满足我们的人。

We look forward to seeing your applications.我们期待着您的应用程序。 Get coding!获取编码!

Posted by Don Schwarz and Toby Reyelts, Software Engineers, Google App Engine Team 发布由Don Schwarz和托比Reyelts ,软件工程师,谷歌应用程序引擎小组

Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Java是一种商标或注册商标, Sun Microsystems公司在美国和其他国家。

at 5:28 PM 在下午5点28分
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