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[建站交流] 红帽绑定删除域名的命令及经验讨论帖

发表于 2012-7-29 15:05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 saiong 于 2012-7-29 21:10 编辑


C:\Users\mac>rhc app add-alias -a ww –alias www.sheilai.com
Password: **********

When specifying alias make sure to use add-alias or remove-alias command
Obtaining list of cartridges (please excuse the delay)...

Usage: rhc app (<command> | cartridge <cartridge-action> | --help) [<args>]
Create and manage an OpenShift application.

List of commands
create Create a new application on OpenShift
show Display information about a user
start Starts the application (includes all cartridges
stop Stops the application (includes all cartridges)

force-stop Stops all application processes
restart Restart the application
reload Reloads application configuration
status Returns application status
destroy Destroys the application
tidy Garbage collects the git repo and empties log/t
mp dirs
add-alias Add a custom domain name for the application
remove-alias Remove a custom domain name for the application

threaddump Trigger a thread dump for jbossas, jbosseap, an
d ruby applications
tail Tail the logs of an application
snapshot [save|restore] Saves/Restores an application snapshot to/from
a tarball at the location specified using --filepath (default: ./$APPNAME.tar.gz
cartridge <action> Manage a cartridge runningin this application

List of cartridge actions
list List of supported embedded cartridges
add Add a cartridge to this application
remove Remove a cartridge from this application
stop Stop a cartridge
start Start a cartridge
restart Restart a cartridge
status Returns cartridge status
reload Reloads cartridge configuration

List of arguments
-l|--rhlogin rhlogin Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login) (Default
: songxuers@gmail.com)
-p|--password password RHLogin password (optional, will prompt)
-a|--app application Application name (alphanumeric - max 32 chars)
-t|--type type Type of app to create (nodejs-0.6, ruby-1.9, jb
ossas-7, python-2.6, jenkins-1.4, ruby-1.8, jbosseap-6.0, diy-0.1, php-5.3, perl
-5.10) (required for creating an application)
-c|--cartridge cartridge The embedded cartrige to manage (required for t
he cartridge command)
-g|--gear-size size The size of the gear for this app ([small|mediu
m], defaults to small)
-s|--scaling Enable scaling for this app
-r|--repo path Git Repo path (defaults to ./$app_name)
-n|--nogit Only create remote space, don't pull it locally

--no-dns Skip DNS check. Must be used in combination wit
h --nogit
-d|--debug Print Debug info
-h|--help Show Usage info
-b|--bypass Bypass warnings (applicable to application dest
roying only)
-f|--filepath filepath Applicable in case of snapshot and log command
-o|--opts options Options to pass to the server-side (linux based
) tail command (applicable to tail command only) (-f is implicit. See the linux
tail man page full list of options.) (Ex: --opts '-n 100')
--alias alias Specify server alias (when using add/remove-ali
--config path Path of alternate config file
--timeout # Timeout, in seconds, for the session
--enable-jenkins [name] Enables builds for your application with Jenkin
s. You may optionally specify the name of the Jenkins application that is creat
ed (default: 'jenkins'). Note that --no-dns is ignored for the creation of the
Jenkins application.
C:\Users\mac>rhc app remove-alias -a ww –alias 0016.tk
Password: **********

When specifying alias make sure to use add-alias or remove-alias command
Obtaining list of cartridges (please excuse the delay)...

Usage: rhc app (<command> | cartridge <cartridge-action> | --help) [<args>]
Create and manage an OpenShift application.

List of commands
create Create a new application on OpenShift
show Display information about a user
start Starts the application (includes all cartridges
stop Stops the application (includes all cartridges)

force-stop Stops all application processes
restart Restart the application
reload Reloads application configuration
status Returns application status
destroy Destroys the application
tidy Garbage collects the git repo and empties log/t
mp dirs
add-alias Add a custom domain name for the application
remove-alias Remove a custom domain name for the application

threaddump Trigger a thread dump for jbossas, jbosseap, an
d ruby applications
tail Tail the logs of an application
snapshot [save|restore] Saves/Restores an application snapshot to/from
a tarball at the location specified using --filepath (default: ./$APPNAME.tar.gz
cartridge <action> Manage a cartridge runningin this application

List of cartridge actions
list List of supported embedded cartridges
add Add a cartridge to this application
remove Remove a cartridge from this application
stop Stop a cartridge
start Start a cartridge
restart Restart a cartridge
status Returns cartridge status
reload Reloads cartridge configuration

List of arguments
-l|--rhlogin rhlogin Red Hat login (RHN or OpenShift login) (Default
: songxuers@gmail.com)
-p|--password password RHLogin password (optional, will prompt)
-a|--app application Application name (alphanumeric - max 32 chars)
-t|--type type Type of app to create (nodejs-0.6, ruby-1.9, jb
ossas-7, python-2.6, jenkins-1.4, ruby-1.8, jbosseap-6.0, diy-0.1, php-5.3, perl
-5.10) (required for creating an application)
-c|--cartridge cartridge The embedded cartrige to manage (required for t
he cartridge command)
-g|--gear-size size The size of the gear for this app ([small|mediu
m], defaults to small)
-s|--scaling Enable scaling for this app
-r|--repo path Git Repo path (defaults to ./$app_name)
-n|--nogit Only create remote space, don't pull it locally

--no-dns Skip DNS check. Must be used in combination wit
h --nogit
-d|--debug Print Debug info
-h|--help Show Usage info
-b|--bypass Bypass warnings (applicable to application dest
roying only)
-f|--filepath filepath Applicable in case of snapshot and log command
-o|--opts options Options to pass to the server-side (linux based
) tail command (applicable to tail command only) (-f is implicit. See the linux
tail man page full list of options.) (Ex: --opts '-n 100')
--alias alias Specify server alias (when using add/remove-ali
--config path Path of alternate config file
--timeout # Timeout, in seconds, for the session
--enable-jenkins [name] Enables builds for your application with Jenkin
s. You may optionally specify the name of the Jenkins application that is creat
ed (default: 'jenkins'). Note that --no-dns is ignored for the creation of the
Jenkins application.
解决办法在14喽 那里不是rhc app add-alias -a ww –alias 而是 rhc app add-alias -a ww -–alias
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 15:06:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-29 15:20:42 | 显示全部楼层
rhc app add-alias -a ww -–alias www.sheilai.com
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 15:28:11 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# liuhu6772

    已经绑定4个了 这个命令不行了 是不是只能绑定4个?
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 15:29:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-29 15:41:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 16:10:15 | 显示全部楼层
为了一个命令 我搜遍了国内的引擎,源代码要是汉语的话,那还费什么劲。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-29 16:35:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-29 18:05:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-29 18:16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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