下面的注册条款来自.us的域名管理公司NeuStar, Inc.
注册条件叫做:Nexus Requirement。
Registrant Application Purpose: P3
P3表示个人使用,其他使用目的还有商业活动P1、教育机构P4、ZF部门 P5、非盈利性组织P2等
Registrant Nexus Category: C32/cn 注册类别
Nexus Category 1
A natural person 个人注册
(i) who is a United States citizen, C11 美国公民
(ii) who is a permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories, or C12 拥有美国永久居留权
(iii) whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions. C13 在美国拥有房产
Nexus Category 2
A United States entity or organization that is 实业公司或组织注册
(i) incorporated within one of the fifty (50) U.S.
states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories, or C21 在美国注册的公司
(ii)organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the
District of Columbia or any of its possessions or (including a federal, state, or local government
of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof, and non-commercial organizations based C22-在美国注册的组织
in the United States).
Nexus Category 3
A foreign entity or organization that has a bona fide presence in the United States of America or 出于友善目的的外国公司或组织
any of its possessions or territories.
·Applicant must state country of citizenship. 需要申明国籍,并且:
·Applicant must also
(1) regularly engage in lawful activities (sales of goods or services or C31 在美国从事合法活动
other business, commercial or non-commercial including not-for-profit activities) in the 或
United States; or
(2) maintain an office or other property within the United States. C32-在美国有办事处
所以想注册.us的话,玩玩或做垃圾站还是不错的,NeuStar查得并不严,可能很长时间你的域名都没事;但真正要做网站,或者想网站做大,这个风险就不得不考虑了。 |