Hello, here at Your1Hoster we are DEDICATED to bringing its customers the BEST of customer service, redundancy, reliability, and great prices.
•1 Gb space
•5 GB Bandwidth
•cPanel 11
Regular Price: $0.00 P/Month
NOW ONLY $0.00 P/Month w/o Promo.
Get it NOW!
What you get....
•No Ads
•Premium Bandwidth
•Great support
•Instant Activation
How much does it cost? FREE, DUH!
What you need to use our services:
•A domain(.com, .org, .net) .co.cc domains CAN be USED but they will be manually approved.
What you can NOT do with this plan:
•Video Streaming
•Backup Solution
•Anything deemed illegal in the USA
Violating these TOS will get you suspended and never be able to use our services again, we do this out of the niceness of our hearts... please don't abuse it.