1、登录账户,在页面右上部点击GET HELP进入。跳转到新的页面后选择Submit a Ticket,然后进入新的页面通过Submit a Ticket的方式联系000webhost的客服,通过给客服写信人工开通;
2、在Please select the domain处点下拉菜单选择域名;
首先在subject处 填主机申请未开通成功(翻译成英语复制粘贴上)。
然后在message处 写邮箱没收到激活邮件,免费主机一直没能开通,希望你能帮我开通,我很喜欢000webhost免费空间之类的话语(翻译成英语复制粘贴上)。
收到激活邮件,点击进入空间账户,Status状态处显示Active 就证明已经成功开通了,现在你轻轻点击一下Go to CPanel 就可以进入cPanel控制面板进行操作了,恭喜你。
he host is not open sucessfully.
Dear friends from The 000webhost Team:
i wait about 20 hours, but e-mail not received your activation email. Certainly, my free host has been unable to open.
last year,i want to make a website, but i couldn’t find the free host. one year ! one year ! i find it, the free host ! but, “verification in progress”……
I hope you can help me open, really.I like 000webhost free host a lot!!
Help me open the host!! Please help me ! Thank you anyway!~ |