本帖最后由 xikk.cn 于 2009-12-30 21:19 编辑
郁闷 GODADDY也出错!浪费50元
新出了个支 付宝的支付 去试了下 注册了个米
在支付宝付款确认后 关了窗口回到GODADDY 看了下没有域名。。。
在看支付宝 已经扣款OK了。。。
打支付宝客服 说没有与GODADDY联系。。 没他们电话 无语中。。
找了GODADDY 在等回复 估计是卡着咯。。
We apologize for the inconvenience. It can sometimes take a short while for the domain to be activated in the account. It currently appears in the Domain Manager. The following information will help you access your account's domain management interface:
• Select 'Domain Manager' from the 'My Products' menu.
• You can use this section of your account to change hosting settings (Name Server Information), register name servers (Domain Host Information), or perform other administrative functions for your domain.
Please let us know if we can help any other way.
是什么意思啊 还是没有收到... 要延时多久也没说 用支付就是慢...早知道淘宝上买了...
28号 中午的回复L
Due to its complex nature, your issue has been relayed to our Advanced Technical Support Team. Our most skilled technicians will be working to resolve your issue quickly and completely. You will be notified promptly upon resolution.
28号晚 回复
Thank you for your order. Unfortunately, we could not process your order using Alipay™ for the following reason:
Funding received was either more or less than expected. This could be due to a domain name no longer being available when funds were received.
If funds were received, we have refunded the full amount received back to your Alipay account.
没戏了 白花了..
哈哈 在12.30号一上淘宝看 钱打回来了 太开心了 全球第一 不错啊 把这都转去论坛的 谢谢大家帮助 |