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发表于 2009-12-22 21:06:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

发表于 2009-12-22 21:06:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-22 21:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-22 21:54:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-22 22:10:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-22 22:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
貌似美國20~30年代的 代表作.   有勵志的 電影...
发表于 2009-12-22 22:21:07 | 显示全部楼层
看完楼主的这个帖子以后,我的心久久不能平静,震撼啊!为什么会有如此好的帖子!我纵横网络bbs多年,自以为再也不会有任何帖子能打动我,没想到今天看到了如此精妙绝伦的这样一篇帖子。楼主,是你让我深深地理解了“人外有人,天外有天”这句话。谢谢你!在看完这帖子以后,我没有立即回复,因为我生怕我庸俗不堪的回复会玷污了这网上少有的帖子。但是我还是回复了,因为我觉得如果不能在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名,那我死也不会瞑目的!能够在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名是多么骄傲的一件事啊!楼主,请原谅我的自私!我知道无论用多么华丽的辞藻来形容楼主您帖子的精彩程度都是不够的,都是虚伪的,所以我只想说一句:您的帖子太好了!我愿意一辈子的看下去!这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的文学功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范。就小说艺术的角度而言,这篇帖子可能不算太成功,但它的实验意义却远远大于成功本身。正所谓:“一马奔腾,射雕引弓,天地都在我心中!”楼主真不愧为无厘界新一代的开山怪!本来我已经对这个社区失望了,觉得这个社区没有前途了,心里充满了悲哀。但是看了你的这个帖子,又让我对社区产生了希望。是你让我的心里重新燃起希望之火,是你让我的心死灰复燃,是你拯救了我一颗拨凉拨凉的心!本来我决定不会在社区回任何帖子了,但是看了你的帖子,我告诉自己这个帖子是一定要回的!这是百年难得一见的好贴啊!苍天有眼啊,让我在优生之年得以观得 如此精彩绝伦的帖子!楼主的话真如“大音希声扫阴翳”,犹如“拨开云雾见青天”,使我等网民看到了希望,看到了未来!晴天霹雳,醍醐灌顶或许不足以形容大师文章的万一;巫山行云,长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才!黄钟大吕,振聋发聩!你烛照天下,明见万里;雨露苍生,泽被万方!透过你深邃的文字,我仿佛看到了你鹰视狼顾,龙行虎步的伟岸英姿;仿佛看到了你手执如椽大笔,写天下文章的智慧神态;仿佛看见了你按剑四顾,江山无数的英武气概!楼主,你说的多好啊!我在社区打滚这么多年,所谓阅人无数,见怪不怪了,但一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混蛋有着本质的差别,那忧郁的语调,那熟悉的签名,还有字里行间高屋建瓴的辞藻。没用的,楼主,就算你怎么换马甲都是没有用的,你的亿万拥戴者早已经把你认出来了,你一定就是传说中的最强id。自从社区改版之后,我就已经心灰意冷,对社区也没抱什么希望了,传说已经幻灭,神话已经终结,留在社区还有什么意思。没想到,没想到,今天可以再睹楼主的风范,我激动得忍不住就在屏幕前流下了眼泪。是啊,只要在楼主的带领下,社区就有希望了。我的内心再一次沸腾了,我胸腔里的血再一次燃烧了。楼主的话概括扼要,一语道出了我们苦想多年的而不可得答案的几个重大问题的根本。楼主就好比社区的明灯,楼主就好比社区的方向,楼主就好比社区的栋梁。有楼主在,社区的明天必将更好!楼主你的高尚情操太让人感动了。在现在这样一个物欲横流的金钱社会里,竟然还能见到楼主这样的性情中人,无疑是我这辈子最大的幸运。让我深深感受到了人性的伟大。楼主的帖子,就好比黑暗中刺裂夜空的闪电,又好比撕开乌云的阳光,一瞬间就让我如饮甘露,让我明白了永恒的真理在这个世界上是真实存在着的。只有楼主这样具备广阔胸怀和完整知识体系的人,才能作为这真理的唯一引言者。看了楼主的帖子,让我陷入了严肃的思考中,我认为,如果不把楼主的帖子顶上去,就是对真理的一种背叛,就是对谬论的极大妥协。因此,我决定义无返顾的顶了!楼主,在遇到你之前,我对人世间是否有真正的圣人是怀疑的;而现在,我终于相信了!我曾经忘情于汉廷的歌赋,我曾经惊讶于李杜的诗才,我曾经流连于宋元的词曲;但现在,我才知道我有多么浅薄!楼主的帖子实在是写得太好了。文笔流畅,修辞得体,深得魏晋诸朝遗风,更将唐风宋骨发扬得入木三分,能在有生之年看见楼主的这个帖子。实在是我三生之幸啊。看完楼主的这个帖子之后,我竟感发生出一种无以名之的悲痛感――啊,这么好的帖子,如果将来我再也看不到了,那我该怎么办?那我该怎么办?直到我毫不犹豫的把楼主的这个帖子收藏了,我内心的那种激动才逐渐平复下来。可是我立刻想到,这么好的帖子,倘若别人看不到,那么不是浪费楼主的心血吗?经过痛苦的思想斗争,我终于下定决心,我要把这个帖子一直往上顶,往上顶到所有人都看到为止!我现在终于明白我缺乏的是什么了,正是楼主那种对真理的执着追求和楼主那种对理想的艰苦实践所产生的厚重感。面对楼主的帖子,我震惊得几乎不能动弹了,楼主那种裂纸欲出的大手笔,竟使我忍不住一次次的翻开楼主的帖子,每看 一次,赞赏之情就激长数分,我总在想,是否有神灵活在它灵秀的外表下,以至能使人三月不知肉味,使人有余音穿梁,三日不绝的感受。楼主,你写得实在是太好了!我唯一能做的,就只有把这个帖子顶上去这件事了。楼主,我支持您!
发表于 2009-12-22 22:25:01 | 显示全部楼层
Louzhu after reading this post, my heart a long time can not be quiet, shake ah! Why is there such a good post! Bbs vertical and horizontal networks for many years, I think they will not have any posts no longer be able to impress me, and did not expect to see this today, so a post's exquisite. Lou Zhu, is that you let me a deep understanding of the "people beyond always other able men," this sentence. Thank you! After reading this post later, I did not immediately reply, because I fear I will be tarnished the vulgar reply to this rare post online. But I reply, because I think that in such a wonderful if you can not leave his post behind the screen name, then I will not rest in peace in death! Be able to leave behind such a wonderful post your own network name is just how proud of one thing ah! Lou Zhu, please forgive me for being selfish! I know that no matter how much rhetoric used to describe the extent Louzhu your wonderful posts are not enough, are hypocritical, so I just want to say: Your wonderful post! I want a lifetime of them are listed! This post is original in conception, theme originality, paragraph clear, the circumstances are strange, ups and downs, the main line clear, attractive, insipid demonstrated extraordinary literary skills, can be said to every word valuable, sentence scriptures, is my generation should learn from the model. Perspective on the art of fiction, this post may not be too successful, but its significance is far greater than the experimental success itself. As the saying goes: "a horse Pentium, The Eagle-shooting bows, heaven and earth are all in my mind!" Louzhu really worthy of a new generation of non-PCT sector, the mountain strange! I had been disappointed in this community, feel that this community has no future, and was filled with sadness. However, this reading your posts, I am letting the community hope. Is that you make my heart to re-ignite the fire of hope, is that you make my heart revived and you saved me a call cold call cold heart! Originally, I decided not to return any post in the community, but read your post, I told myself this post must give back! This is a rare Haotie century ah! Heaven has eyes ah, let me be the year of the concept of eugenics was so fantastic post! Louzhu words labeled "big sweep Yin Yin Xi Sheng shade," is like "see the blue sky and white clouds are cleared," so that I and other users can find hope, to see the future! Bolt from the blue, sobering article may not be sufficient to describe the event of a master; Wushan Clouds, the Yangtze River water is more difficult to match the master literary talent! Huangzhongtailv, enlightened! You Zhuzhao world, Ming see Wanli; rain common people, that will benefit Wan Fang! Deep through your words, I seem to see you, as the wolf eagle Gu, Wei-step Dragon Tiger heroic; seem to see you, such as rafters Shouzhi large, writing an air of the world the wisdom of the article; Anjian if you look around to see, Jiangshan numerous Yingwu spirit! Louzhu, you say how wonderful! I roll in the community for so many years, the so-called reading countless people, not surprising, but one can see Louzhu momentum, I felt Louzhu irrigation with the gang in the community is essentially the difference between a small bastard, that melancholy tone, then familiar with the signature, as well as a strategically advantageous position of the rhetoric between the lines. Useless, Lou Zhu, how do you change even if the vest is useless, you already hundreds of millions of supporters recognize your out, you must be the strongest is the legendary id. Since the community, after revision, I have been disheartened to the community nor hold any hope, and legend have become totally disillusioned, myth has ended, stay in the community have meant. Unexpectedly, did not expect that today can be further evident to everyone Louzhu demeanor, and I can not help but get excited on screen shed tears. Yes ah, as long as Louzhu under the leadership of the community there is hope. My heart once again boiling, my chest where the blood once again burning. Louzhu then summarized briefly, a language tells us that wish for many years but could not answer several important root of the problem. Louzhu like communities, light, Louzhu like the direction of the community, Louzhu like the pillars of the community. There Louzhu in, the community will better tomorrow! Louzhu your noble sentiment was so moved. In the present materialistic money such a society, can actually see this Xingqingzhongren Louzhu is undoubtedly the most fortunate of my life. I deeply feel the great humanity. Lou Zhu's post, like the dark, barbed lightning split the night sky, but also like torn clouds of the sun, such as the moment let me drink nectar, so I understand the eternal truths in this world is real exists. Only Louzhu this knowledge with a broad mind and a complete system of people, could be regarded as the truth, the only introduction to who. Read Louzhu post, I fell into serious thought, I think, if we do not Louzhu top posts go, that is a betrayal of truth is the great fallacy of the compromise. Therefore, I decided to threw the top of the! Lou Zhu, in the face before you, I really saints on earth if there is doubt; And now, I finally believed! I have been immersed in the Han-ting, Gough, I have surprised Li Du's poem before, I have to linger in the lyrics of Song and Yuan Dynasties; but now I know how shallow I am! Lou Zhu post is written wonderful. Writing is smooth, dignified rhetoric, won the Wei and Jin Zhu Chao legacy, but will also promote the Tang, Song was penetrating bone can be seen in their lifetime Louzhu this post. It is my Sansei lucky ah. Louzhu reading this post, I actually feel out of place with the name of a non-sense of grief - ah, such a good post, if in future I can see, that's how I do? Then how can I do? Until I do not hesitate to put Louzhu collection of this post, my heart began to calm down before the kind of excitement down. However, I immediately thought that such a good post, if someone can not see, then do not be a waste of effort Louzhu? After bitter ideological struggle, I finally determined I had to put this post up top, top up to date for all to see! Now I finally understand what I lack what it is, it is Louzhu that the persistent pursuit of truth and Louzhu that the ideal generated by hard practice, heavy feeling. The face of Lou Zhu's post, I am shocked that he could hardly move, and Louzhu that want to crack out of paper and exotic, went so far as to make the turn again and again I can not help Louzhu posts, each such occasion, appreciated the sentiment on the number of bowel length points, I always wonder if God and flexible in its scenery of the exterior, as well as meat can make a person do not know in March gives the reverberation of wear beams, three days without a break feel. Lou Zhu, do you write is great! The only thing I can do, only the top of this post go to this whole thing. Lou Zhu, I support you!
发表于 2009-12-22 22:31:01 | 显示全部楼层
Louzhuこの記事を読んだ後、私の心に長い時間、手ぶれああ静かにすることはできません!なぜこのような良いポストです!多くの年の掲示板、垂直および水平的なネットワーク、彼らは任意の記事を、もはや私を感動させることができる必要はなくなると思うし、この日を期待していない、その投稿の絶妙な。ルー朱、あなたは私を、常に他のことができる人を超えて、"この判決は、"人々の深い理解を聞かせています。ありがとうございました!ので、私はこのまれなポストをオンラインに下品な応答を汚されることを恐れる保存この記事を読んだ後、私は即座に返事をしなかった。私は、このような素晴らしい場合は、画面の名前の後ろに辞任できないと思うしかし、私、そして私は死の平和で休息されません返事!独自のネットワーク名をどれだけ一つのことああ誇りに思って、このような素晴らしいポストの後ろに残すことができる!ルー朱、私を許してください身勝手されて!私は、どんなにレトリックは、ある程度Louzhuあなたの素晴らしい記事を偽善的なだけでは不十分です記述するために使用されるので、私は言いたいの知っている:あなたの素敵なポスト!私は記載されてそれらの寿命が欲しい!このポストは構想では、テーマの独創性、段落クリアすると、状況の浮き沈みの奇妙されると、メインラインをクリア、魅力的な臨時の文学能力を実証まずくて、元のは、すべての単語を、貴重な、文章の経典には、言うことができる私の世代のモデルから学ぶ必要があります。視点小説の美術では、このポストもが成功することができない、その重要性をこれまでの実験の成功そのものよりも大きい値です。諺にもある:"馬のPentium、イーグル弓、天と地の撮影のすべての私の心に!"Louzhu本当に以外の新しい世代の価値- PCT出願人部門、山の不思議されます!私はこの社会では、このコミュニティには未来がある感じ、失望されていた悲しみに満ちていた。しかし、これを読んであなたの記事を、私は、社会の期待せています。は、あなたが私の心の再に、希望の火を点火し、かは、私の心の復活を作り、あなたが私コールドコール冷たい心臓の呼び出しが保存されます!もともと、私は、コミュニティー内の任意のポストを返すには、決定があなたの記事を読んで、私はこのポストバックを必要と思いました!これはまれなHaotie世紀ああです!天国に、私優生学の概念を、今年はファンタスティックだったポストさせ目をああしています! Louzhuの言葉"大きな掃引殷殷西盛、日陰、"ラベル"は、青い空と白い雲が見てみたいが消去されます、"これは、私や他のユーザーは、将来を期待して見つけることができます!青、ありのままの記事からボルトのマスターのイベントを記述するのに十分なことができない。巫山の雲は、揚子江の水をより文学的才能は、マスタと一致することは困難です! Huangzhongtailv、賢明な!あなたZhuzhao世界では、明萬参照してください;雨の一般の人々は、ワンファンの利益になる!あなたの言葉を通して、ディープ、私はあなたを参照する、として、オオカミワシ区魏ようステップ龍虎英雄;、Shouzhi大きな垂木などを参照してくださいには、世界の記事の英知の空気を書くようだ。Anjian場合を見て回るを見て、江山多数Yingwu精神! Louzhu、どのように素晴らしいと言う!私は、社会の多くの年のロール、いわゆる読書と呼ばれる無数の人々は驚くべきことではなく、1 Louzhu勢いを見ることができる、私は、社会では、ギャングとLouzhu灌漑感じた本質的には小さいやつの違いは、その憂鬱なトーンの場合、シグネチャを持つだけでなく、行の間の修辞の戦略的に有利な立場に精通。役に立たない、ルー朱、どの場合でもベストは無意味です変更する場合は、支持者数百万の場合、すでに何百ものお客様には、最強の必要を認識する伝説のidです。コミュニティのため、改正後、私は、落胆されている
发表于 2009-12-22 23:50:07 | 显示全部楼层
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