我注册到下面了但ip_confim.exe下不起 说404!
Before your account can be activated, you need to confirm your computer IP address. It's easy - just download ip_confim.exe to your computer and run (execute) it. You will get 6 digit confirmation code which you will have to enter below.
1. Download ip_confirm.exe to your computer and run it.
2. You will get 6 digit confirmation code.
3. Enter this 6 digit confirmation code here:
How ip_confirm.exe program works?
It is a very small program (size is only 27,9 Kb), that will generate access code needed for account activation.
We previously used email address confirmation system, but it was replaced to IP address confirmation system which is more reliable.
This program will send your computer IP address to our webserver and confirms your identify. Please allow access for this software to connect to members.000webhost.com if asked. |