但是后来点击进入网站后发现Uploadingit.com 又改变了.................(变身!?)
Quality free image and file hosting
Store 1000's of images and files of virtually any file type for free with your 10 GB of online storage space. 4 GB of daily bandwidth for sharing your images and files with anyone you wish. It's like having your own little USB thumb drive always with you.
Simple to manage, Simple to share, Simple to use.
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Tried of slow downloads? No need to worry about slow downloads and uploads of your files, Uploadingit.com servers all have 100 Mbps or higher connections to allow for up to 550 Kb/s downloads to all.
还有1000'S 是图片的限制数目吗?
550k/S 的速度限制....听起来不错,但是这样服务器撑得了吗?
[ 本帖最后由 莣鋽メ濄麮 于 2009-5-30 11:11 编辑 ] |