From: Robert Lobitz <r.lobitz@kasamarketing.com>
Message-Id: <20120605023235.0F08D80DF2C@kasamarketing.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 19:32:34 -0700 (PDT)
Hey there, <br><br>I would like to start by saying that I was thrilled to find *****.cn - what a well-designed site! <br><br>I am hoping to secure a link placement on *****.cn leading to my site, BodyKits.com --- I can offer you a unique and engaging article in exchange for the link, or a one-time monetary contribution, or both. Please consider the offer and let me know your thoughts. <br><br>Kind regards, <br>
Robert <br>
Public Relations <br>
KASA Capital <br>
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