*** This is automatic generated message. Do not make reply to this message. ***
We received your request for registration of domain name.
Tracking number, assigned for this request is: [KZ-091016.66890]
Please, use this tracking number in subject of all your messages,
related to this request for registration of domain name.
Below are results of processing your request:
*** Error checking syntax:
- invalid domain name igx.kz ╖Ю╖Б╖т╖я╖ъ╖з╖ы╖я╖Х╖з╖Я, ╖з╖Ц╖А╖Ю╖щ╖Н╖ы╖Е╖П╖К╖я╖Я ╖у╖Ю╖ч╖ж╖ъ╖ъ╖Ю╖ж ╖з╖ч╖Я: Domain name has invalid characters.
Please, make necessary syntax corrections in your original request. Indicate tracking number [KZ-091016.66890]
in subject of request and send it to hostmaster@nic.kz for further processing